Wednesday 22 February 2012

Pitch Day

Todays session was the day that my group gave our presentation for, The Industry Trust. A lot of time and effort had gone into the creation of the website and also the presentation of the pitch, I can say with confidence, i believe that we came across confident and very enthusiastic and gave an extremely high quality pitch.

We engaged our audience straight away by talking directly to them and giving them constant eye contact. We also got the right reaction in the right place, as we decided to for a humorous and casual approach, as we didn't want our audience to get bored and like ourselves we wanted them to feel enthusiastic and positive about what was being presented in front of them.

As a group we came together and knew what to say at the right times. We all made sure that each person was confident with what they were saying and also that the information being given was backed up with a reason. I also really enjoyed presenting the pitch, as for me this module was very time consuming and difficult to require the patience to complete.
However working in a group of dedicated people, we managed to get everything done with the help of one another and everything slipped into place.

To conclude, I think the presentation ran smoothly and could not have gone any better. I would even go as far as to say that I would not change anything about what we have done creatively to our website.

Monday 20 February 2012

In todays session with the group we worked our way around the fonts and illustrations. To make the illustrations and text wrapping, we used Adobe Illustraor. I choose four photographs of me and David holding different types of film equipment such as a microphone, DVD and a camera. We decided to drop the idea of using colour in the illustrations because when tested, they didn’t work very well together.

To make the illustration, we made each Illustrator artboard the same size as the web page. Dave took a photo and then put it and resized it to the position I wanted it to be in relation to the page. Then by using the pen tool, Dave carefully went around the outline of each shape using the eraser for any enclosed gaps. Dave did this as he had a much steadier hand them me. When finished, the shape was filled with black.

In keeping with our target audience, all text boxes were small and down to the point, Arial Narrow in Bold was used because it looked modern and the white colour would stand out from the background later on.

We used the text-wrapping tool to make the cool effect of the text following down the left hand side of the shape. One problem encountered is that one shape didn’t look like anything to do with film. So I found a picture of a studio light and made it so it looks like the person was holding it.

When we finished, these illustrator files were made into Photoshop files to conserve the text wrapping. After that, it was imported to fireworks. This was repeated four times.
In regards to the gradient error, I simply had to go to the optimisation tab in fireworks and change the format from GIF to JPEG. This was because the GIF format doesn’t work well with gradients.

When the website and button functions were put in. I exported each page to the HTML format ready for linking in Dreamweaver. In Dreamweaver, it was a simple case of putting all the hyperlinks into their correct buttons, which was a simplistic task. After making sure all files were kept in the same folder, the website was complete.

Between now and the 22nd February, it will all be about the presentation and critical evaluation. I will be posting the evaluation on this blog so everyone gets to see my thoughts on the project. On Monday, our group will rehearse our presentation so we know who does what and when
Thursdays session with Andy was extrlly helpful in helping us sort out the pixalation probalem we encountred during this weeks lesson. We have also come across more creative design ways in which to incoporate into are website. We have also planned out what we need to do before and during next weeks lessons and decide on any final work or deatiling that needs to be added.

Progress with the website is coming along nicely, we are halfways through completeing and being able to show off what we have created as a group.

We all decided to go with the idea of only using colours used in The Industry Trust’s logo. These are white, green, blue, black and grey. You can see the gradient acts as a navigation column which houses the logo and the buttons for the different pages. The colour the gradient fades into from the black will change page by page. The buttons were made in Adobe Photoshop as was the touching up on the logo. With no text and picture at the moment, the website looks professional and well finished.
You will notice in the bottom right we have the Twitter and Facebook icons which will provide our audience further opportunities to expand their knowledge and quest to learn about the benefits of copyright.

An issue we have at the moment is that everytime the work is transferred through to dreamweaver the gradient becomes pixelated so this is an issue we will have to work on as we do not want this to happen during our presentation.

Wednesday 8 February 2012


My name is Sophie Griffiths and i will be using this blog to show you my work and progress throughout the media Arts course.