Wednesday 22 February 2012

Pitch Day

Todays session was the day that my group gave our presentation for, The Industry Trust. A lot of time and effort had gone into the creation of the website and also the presentation of the pitch, I can say with confidence, i believe that we came across confident and very enthusiastic and gave an extremely high quality pitch.

We engaged our audience straight away by talking directly to them and giving them constant eye contact. We also got the right reaction in the right place, as we decided to for a humorous and casual approach, as we didn't want our audience to get bored and like ourselves we wanted them to feel enthusiastic and positive about what was being presented in front of them.

As a group we came together and knew what to say at the right times. We all made sure that each person was confident with what they were saying and also that the information being given was backed up with a reason. I also really enjoyed presenting the pitch, as for me this module was very time consuming and difficult to require the patience to complete.
However working in a group of dedicated people, we managed to get everything done with the help of one another and everything slipped into place.

To conclude, I think the presentation ran smoothly and could not have gone any better. I would even go as far as to say that I would not change anything about what we have done creatively to our website.

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