Monday 20 February 2012

Progress with the website is coming along nicely, we are halfways through completeing and being able to show off what we have created as a group.

We all decided to go with the idea of only using colours used in The Industry Trust’s logo. These are white, green, blue, black and grey. You can see the gradient acts as a navigation column which houses the logo and the buttons for the different pages. The colour the gradient fades into from the black will change page by page. The buttons were made in Adobe Photoshop as was the touching up on the logo. With no text and picture at the moment, the website looks professional and well finished.
You will notice in the bottom right we have the Twitter and Facebook icons which will provide our audience further opportunities to expand their knowledge and quest to learn about the benefits of copyright.

An issue we have at the moment is that everytime the work is transferred through to dreamweaver the gradient becomes pixelated so this is an issue we will have to work on as we do not want this to happen during our presentation.

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